To remove Ottomatik from your server you'll want to first delete the server in Ottomatik.
Removing Ottomatik:
Ottomatik will have added an SSH into your authorized_keys file. Simply remove this to prevent Ottomatik from accessing your server.
vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
You will see one line with an Ottomatik worker, simply remove it and Ottomatik will no longer be able to access your server.
You can also remove any dependencies installed by Ottomatik, but this will not affect this step.
Software Dependencies Used By Ottomatik
Python >= 2.6.5We don't recommend uninstalling Python, as most OSs come with a preinstalled version, but if you must this can be done. This is particularly important for CentOS / Redhat distros since the package installer yum is Python based.
Python PIP >= 8.1.2This can be uninstalled using the command:sudo pip uninstall
awscli PIP package >= 1.8.3This can be installed through Python PIP with the command:sudo pip uninstall awscli
certifi PIP package >= 2015.04.28This can be installed through Python PIP with the command:sudo pip uninstall certifi
colorama PIP package >= 0.2.5This can be installed through Python PIP with the command:sudo pip uninstall colorama
python-dateutil PIP package >= 2.4.2This can be installed through Python PIP with the command:sudo pip uninstall python-dateutil
futures PIP package >= 3.0.5This can be installed through Python PIP with the command:sudo pip uninstall futures
If you're removing Oottomatik is sounds like our service didn't provide enough value for you to keep. Β If you wouldn't mind could you send some feedback to on where we fell down or what we could do better? We know your time is valuable, and appreciate the feedback.
We hope you find this helpful! If you need any further assistance, please contact us and we'll be more than glad to help you out.Β