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What is a Backup Parachute?
What is a Backup Parachute?
Brent Sanders avatar
Written by Brent Sanders
Updated over 6 years ago

At a high level the Backup Parachute feature provides for very quick creation of several backup jobs for one database; easy visualization of those jobs and quick recovery if and when needed.

The Backup Parachute streamlines the setup and configuration process of adding your server to Ottomatik, and installing the necessary SSH Key + software dependencies.

Next it rolls up the configuration of hourly (if your account supports that feature), daily, weekly and monthly database backup jobs.  It uses sensible defaults for the schedules and retention settings, which you can change later if you like by editing the individual backup jobs.  If you'd like to add or remove an associated job (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly) you can just edit the Backup Parachute and add / remove a checkbox.  Changing a DB password? Just edit the Backup Parachute which will push the updated information down to the associated database backup jobs. 

The recovery process from a Backup Parachute is a very streamlined process which allows you to restore a backup very quickly.  Additionally you may restore to a different server, or different database if desired, just select the server and provide the database name.  Even if the database doesn't exist on the selected server, Ottomatik will create it for you, then restore to it.

Default Settings

 When creating a Backup Parachute Ottomatik uses sensible defaults for many configuration settings.  If you'd like to change these later you may do so by editing the individual jobs.  These are the defaults:

  • Backups created

Hourly (If plan supported)




  • Should get structure? => True

  • Should get content? => True

  • Should use drop syntax? => True

  • Flush binary logs before backup? => True

  • Include stored procedures and functions? => True

  • Include event scheduler events? => True

  • If plan supports zero-downtime options

Use quick option for large tables? => True

Skip locking the tables? => True

Backup using a single transaction? => True

  • If plan supports upload streaming

Stream the backup file upload to your archive location? => True

  • File retention detaults

Hourly => 24

Daily => 7

Weekly => 5

Monthly => 12

  • Schedule defaults (in your timezone)

Hourly => At the top of every hour

Daily => Every day at 12:15am

Weekly => Every Sunday at 1:30am

Monthly => 1st of every month at 2:45am


We hope you find this helpful! If you need any further assistance, please contact us and we'll be more than glad to help you out. 

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